The Sexual Assault & Interpersonal Violence Response Team, often abbreviated as SAIV-RT, is a multi-disciplinary team designated to respond to reports and disclosures of interpersonal violence, including but not limited to sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking and sexual harassment. Initiated by the Division of Student Affairs, the SAIV-RT works to provide care to victims of all forms of interpersonal violence. Resources are committed to providing assistance that is culturally-sensitive and affirming to our diverse clientele, which includes students of color, students with disabilities, international students, students of all sexual orientations and gender identities, student veterans, and students from all socioeconomic backgrounds with varying religious/spiritual beliefs.
The SAIV-RT is co-led by the Title IX Coordinator, Sara Madera (Response Team) and the Director of the Arthur L. Johnson Unity Wing, Starsheemar Byrum (Resource Team).
SAIV-RT provides an efficient and supportive response to victims. Through SAIV-RT, the campus community has many safe and supportive resources including confidential options to report sexual assault and to receive assistance, medical help, counseling, advocacy, and academic intervention following a sexual assault. All members of the SAIV-RT will use discretion and honor confidentiality to the best of their ability.
Link to the SAIV-RT: