- On average, 7.5 million people are stalked in just 1 year in the United States. This only studied ages 18 and older. People between the ages of 18 and 24 experience the highest rates of stalking.
- 4% of American women and 2% of American men are stalked in 1 year in the United States. 27% of college women and 15% of college men are victims of stalking.
- Most victims are women and most offenders are male. Male-to-male stalking is often overlooked, but worth noting. The majority of victims know their offender. Sometimes stalkers have multiple victims. Stalkers are usually a current or former intimate partner.
- In many cases, stalking behaviors overlap one another. 66% of stalking behaviors included unwanted phone calls and messages. 36% involved spreading rumors. 34% included following or spying. 31% involved unwanted letters or email. 31% involved showing up at places. 29% involved waiting for the victim. 12% involved leaving unwanted presents.
- 2/3 of stalkers pursue their victim at least once per week. 78% of stalkers use more than one means of approach. Weapons are used to harm or threaten victims in about 20% of cases. Of that percent, intimate partners were more likely to use weapons than acquaintances or strangers.
- Recidivism occurred in 60% of cases. The average time between intervention and recidivism was about 2 months, but can normally range between just 1 day to 6 years.
- 50-60% of partners stalking their victims say others were involved. Third-party stalking can be intention or unintentional. For example: a stalker could ask a mutual friend for the victim’s new phone number, and the unsuspecting friend might oblige.
- Most stalking incidents last 6 months or less, often revolving around an academic year or college semester.
- Among stalking cases, 24% involved property damage. 21% involved a direct attack on the victim. 15% involved an attack on another person or pet.
- Among stalking cases that involved identity theft, 30% of stalkers charged items on their victim’s credit card. 52% of stalkers took money from their victim’s accounts. 54% of stalkers opened or closed various bank accounts of their victims.
- 3/4 of women who experienced stalking-related behaviors experienced other forms of victimization: 8% stalking and physical assault; 26% stalking and rape/sexual assault; 11% stalking, physical violence and rape/sexual assault combined.
- Intimate partner stalkers are more likely to physically approach the victim, more insulting, interfering and threatening, more likely to use weapons, more likely to escalate the situation quickly, and are more likely to re-offend.
- 76% of female homicide cases involved at least one episode of stalking within the year prior to the murder. 85% of attempted female homicide cases involved at least one episode of stalking within the year prior to the attempted murder.
- 67% of female homicide victims had been physically abused by their intimate partner in the 12 months before the murder. 89% of female homicide victims had been physically abused and stalked in the 12 months before the murder.
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