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General Health

well·ness (wel'nis): Noun: The condition of good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper nutrition, exercise, and habits.

Take the quiz below to find out where you stand in terms of overall "wellness"

The following quiz provides information about wellness in a number of categories. Each question has a point value. Answer each question and add the points. There is a discussion of each score following the quiz. This quiz is for informational purposes only and is not intended to give medical advice or replace the information given by a healthcare practitioner.

Answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

1. I exercise regularly:
  1. do not exercise
  2. 1-2 times per week
  3. 3-5 times per week

2. I perform stretching exercises:
  1. I do not do stretches
  2. I perform stretches when I regularly exercise

3. I get _____ hours of sleep every night:
  1. less than 5
  2. 6-7
  3. 8 or greater

4. I have difficulty falling asleep:
  1. always
  2. frequently
  3. sometimes
  4. rarely
  5. never

5. I use techniques such as relaxation, exercise, meditation or yoga to control my stress:
  1. never
  2. rarely
  3. sometimes
  4. frequently
  5. always

6. I take a good multivitamin supplement every day:
  1. never
  2. rarely
  3. sometimes
  4. frequently
  5. always

7. I have a sense of control over my work:
  1. never
  2. rarely
  3. sometimes
  4. frequently
  5. always

8. I feel as though my overall health is:
  1. poor
  2. average
  3. above average
  4. very good
  5. excellent

9. Generally I have a sense of purpose to my life:
  1. never
  2. rarely
  3. sometimes
  4. frequently
  5. always

10. I eat a diet that contains at least 6 servings of fruits or vegetables daily:
  1. never
  2. rarely
  3. sometimes
  4. frequently
  5. always

11. I smoke cigarettes:
  1. always
  2. frequently
  3. sometimes
  4. rarely
  5. never

12. I smoke Marijuana:
  1. always
  2. frequently
  3. sometimes
  4. rarely
  5. never
13. My exercise regimen consists of:
  1. do not exercise
  2. aerobics or resistance exercises but not both
  3. both aerobic and resistance exercises

14. Regarding my weight, I am:
  1. very much overweight (>40 lbs)
  2. moderately overweight (30-40 lbs)
  3. significantly overweight (20-30lbs)
  4. mildly overweight (5-20lbs)
  5. of normal weight (within 5 lbs)

15. I feel rested when I awake after a night's sleep.
  1. never
  2. rarely
  3. sometimes
  4. frequently
  5. always

16. Overall I feel stress in my life:
  1. every day
  2. most days
  3. occasionally
  4. rarely
  5. never

17. I feel I have a purpose to my life:
  1. never
  2. rarely
  3. sometimes
  4. frequently
  5. always

18. I take other nutrients for my health in addition to a multivitamin:
  1. never
  2. rarely
  3. sometimes
  4. frequently
  5. always

19. Generally I have a positive outlook on life
  1. never
  2. rarely
  3. sometimes
  4. frequently
  5. always

20. I am forgetful:
  1. always
  2. frequently
  3. sometimes
  4. rarely
  5. never

21. I spend time exercising spiritual growth:
  1. never
  2. rarely
  3. sometimes
  4. frequently
  5. always

22. I am tolerant of others' views:
  1. never
  2. rarely
  3. sometimes
  4. frequently
  5. always

23. I use alcohol:
  1. always
  2. frequently
  3. sometimes
  4. rarely
  5. never

24. I use drugs that are not prescribed to me by a doctor:
  1. always
  2. frequently
  3. sometimes
  4. rarely
  5. never


  • Congratulations, you are living a healthy lifestyle. Keep up the good work.

  • You are living a somewhat healthy lifestyle and have some areas that need improvement. Go back to the sections in which you scored low and consider ways in which to improve in those areas.

  • Your lifestyle is in need of some serious modification and could lead to disease. You should consider making some major changes in your life.

  • Your lifestyle is considered to be unhealthy. You should seriously consider making changes since you have a greater chance of suffering from illness.