Accounting majors - ECO 200 for the T1SS; ECO 201 for the T2IS
Art and Art History majors - ART 211 or 212 for the T1H; ART 202 for the T2CE
Biology majors - MAT 130 or 243 for the T1M; MAT 216 for the T2IT; BIO 120 or 130 for the T1NS; BIO 220 or 230 for the T2NS
Biochemistry majors - BIO 120 or 130 for the T1NS; BIO 220 or 230 for the T2NS
Business Administration majors - ECO 201 for the T2IS; BUS 205 for the T2IT
Business Information System majors - ECO 201 for the T2IS; BUS 205 for the T2IT
Communication majors - COM 100 for the T1SS; COM 220 for the T2IT
Computer Science majors - CSC 210 for the T2IT
Economics majors - ECO 200 for the T1SS; ECO 215 for the T2IT
Education Majors - EDU 250/COM 250/CSC 250 for the T2IT
English/American Studies majors - AMS 250 for the T2IT
English majors - ENG 202 for the T1LT; ENG 205 or 353 for the T2CE; ENG 216 or 339 for the T2CP
Environmental Earth Science majors - EES 104, 106, 110, 125 or 202 for the T1NS (if taken with EES 112 fulfills the science w/lab requirement; MAT 243 for the T1M; EES 224 for the T2NS; EES 340 for the T2IT
History majors - HIS 120 or 121 for the T1H; HIS 230 or 231 for the T2CP
History/American Studies majors - HIS 120 or 121 for the T1H; AMS 251 for the T2IS
History & Social Science majors - HIS 120 or 121 for the T1H; HIS 230 or 231 for the T2CP
Mathematics majors - MAT 243 for the T1M; MAT 315 for the T2IT
Music majors - MUS 212 for the T2CE; MUS 227 or 330 for the T2CP
Physical Education majors - HPE 210 for the T1HW; HPE 328 for the T2NS
Philosophy Majors - PHI 120, 210, 215, or 220 for the T1LT; PHI 232 for the T1H; PHI 360 or 361 for the T2IS; PHI 311 or 313 for the T2CP
Political Science majors - PSC 110 or 140 for the T1SS
Psychology majors - PSY 203 or 206 for the T2IS
Sport & Leisure Management majors - HPE 210 for the T1HW; HPE 328 for the T2NS
Social Work majors -BIO 202 for the T1NS; SOC 100, PYS 100, ANT 106 or PSC 110 for the T1SS; SWK 311 for the T2IS; SWK 333 for the T2IT
Sociology majors - Any ANT or SOC listed T2CP course for the T2CP; any ANT or SOC listed T2IS course for the T2IS
Theatre majors - THE 267 or 268 or 270 for the T1A; THE 272 or 275 for the T2CE