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2.1 The University Senate and the University Administration share a joint responsibility and authority for the development of University policies in such areas as curriculum, degree requirements, scholastic standards, admission policies, academic freedom, promotion, tenure and continuing appointments, and University organizational structure, in the selection of the President, Vice Presidents, and Deans, in budget and planning, and in other matters affecting the educational quality and mission of the University.
2.2 The Senate shall present its decisions in the form of Bills and Resolutions. The President shall report all approved Bills and Resolutions to the President of the University. A “resolution” is defined as an expression of the sentiment of the Senate requiring no action by the President of the University.
2.2.1 The President of the Senate shall, with the help of the Secretary, keep a current record, by numbers assigned to them, of all Bills and Resolutions, with notes as to their status; such record shall be available to faculty members.
2.2.2 Approved Bills and Resolutions of the Senate shall be reported to the President of the University within five school days of their approval. The President of the University shall return Bills to the President of the Senate within fifteen school days, marking them approved or disapproved (the Faculty shall likewise have a period of fifteen days in which to petition for reversal of a Senate decision; see Article 3). If a Bill is disapproved, the University President shall furnish a written explanatory comment to the Senate. Approved Bills shall become official University policy.
2.3 The University Senate shall constitute and establish or approve the procedures for all committees representing the instructional and/or administrative faculty. Such committees shall report to the University Senate, except when exempted by the University Senate.
2.4 The University Senate must approve the establishment of new departments and divisions
and all changes or reorganizations of existing departments and divisions.
2.5 The University Senate may consider and decide any jurisdictional matter that in its view has
not been delegated to others.
3.1 Since the University Senate derives its powers from the Faculty, the Faculty may review and
reverse any of its decisions. If ten percent or more members of the Faculty so petition within
fifteen school days of the announcement of a Bill of the Senate, the Senate President shall
within ten days call a special session of the Faculty to consider the petition.
3.1.1 Upon receipt of a petition to reverse a Bill of the Senate, the Senate President shall notify
the University President. All action on the matter of the Bill shall thereupon be suspended,
pending a resolution of the petition.
3.1.2 The Faculty must discuss the petition during a duly called meeting which must be held at
least one week prior to voting on the matter. The Faculty may reverse an action of the
University Senate by a majority of the Faculty members voting. Such voting shall be by
anonymous ballot. If the Senate action in question is not duly reversed in that vote, such action
shall stand and be subject to no further petition.
3.2 Senators may be recalled or replaced by their constituencies in accordance with the
constituency’s bylaws.
3.3 An amendment to the Constitution of the University Senate may be initiated by the
University Senate or by any special session of the Faculty. The proposed amendment and an
announcement of a special session of the Faculty to ratify it must be circulated to the total
Administrative and Instructional Faculty at least ten school days prior to a vote.
Ratification of an amendment requires a majority of the Faculty present, voting by secret ballot
at a special session of the Faculty, and the approval of the President of the University. The
procedure for presidential approval shall follow the rules applying to Senate Bills (see Article