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Alcohol and Other Drug Information

Most students have some experience with the negative impact of alcohol and other drugs (AOD), whether it is a personal experience or that of a friend. It probably doesn't shock anyone to hear that AOD use is one of the biggest concerns for the Office of Wellness Promotion. In fact, most (if not all) of our programming relates back in some way to trying to help students make healthier, safer decisions around AOD use.

Do you ever wonder if you should be concerned about your alcohol use? If so, take the E-Chug; a fun and informative online quiz. You can also try the e-TOKE; an informative online quiz about marijuana. If you have any questions about the feedback you received from either of these tools, please contact the office to set up a time to speak with us.

A lot of people ask me how they can tell if someone has a problem with alcohol or other drugs. For the most part, there is no way to know for sure unless you are a trained counselor or therapist. However, there are signs that you, as a friend, can look for to provide some insight. If you or a friend has one or several of the following indicators, please set up a time to meet with staff in the Office so that we may help!

Change the Script

  • Has one or more arrests for DUI; for drug use in public places; or for possession, delivery, or sale of illegal drugs
  • The alcohol or drug interferes with their normal life and activities
  • Talks about getting high, uses vocabulary typical among drug users
  • Behaves in an uncharacteristic, impulsive, or inappropriate manner
  • Is increasingly angry or defiant
  • Overreacts to ordinary circumstances and problems, advice and criticism
  • Is secretive concerning behaviors or whereabouts
  • Loses interest in hobbies and activities
  • Takes unnecessary risks or acts in a reckless manner
  • Breaks or bends rules, cheats
  • Has increasing financial problems (may borrow or steal from family and friends)
  • Has increasing legal problems/arrests (e.g. domestic abuse, disorderly conduct, assault arrests, or outstanding warrants)
  • Has difficulty concentrating, focusing, or attending to a task
  • Has difficulty making decisions
  • Experiences short-term memory loss
  • Experiences blackout
  • Needs repeated assistance completing ordinary paperwork (e.g. applications forms)


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